Hi all. My name is Rania Hani. I am already 1 year and 3 days old. You can guess by looking at my teeth huh? I got 8 of them all together. And I certainly do love biting now. :) I'm posting this entry on behalf of my mother who has fainted the whole day because of my party. hehe. Ibu is very happy.. I can tell from her smile and she constantly bugging abah telling him how she could not believe how much I've grown.
Yesterday, I had my 1st ever birthday party at nenek's. Ibu's initial plan was to do a simple yet memorable party attended by close family and friends only went biserk when she decided to held the party at nenek's. But, whatever.. I couldn't care less. Although I didn't get my colourfull helium balloons and banner, ibu didn't get her ultimate by the pool dream party, and abah had to surrender his master skills in grilling & bbq-ing, the party was still a blast because lots of my friends coming and I can see all my favourites auties. Also, I had my chance to blow my candles! (although Ibu and abah did blow the most). There are more years to come for great party after all.

I had 2 cakes for my birthday. 1 was a gift from aunty amal. The cute cuppies are from divacupcakes
Delicious and super cute i tell you!
Don't get me started with the present. I thank all of my aunties & uncles for being so generous giving me birthday presents even though I still had no idea what presents are.. But I do love tearing the birthday gift wrapping paper from the box and chewing it too. Don't blame me. The wrapping papers look kindda delicious like the cuppies.
Anyway, I had to go now. Ibu is calling already. Sorry for not updating more pictures. Go to Ibu's/aunty Amal's facebook. You can find plenty of my cute pictures there.
Till then. Happy Birthday to me!!
1 comment:
happy birthday rania...bestnya beday die..rugi eh aiman tak dapat datang hehe...happy nye muka dia.. :)
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