Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun Finding : Make-up slave

Having a make-up "guru" as a house mate really do me good (now ex-house mate. *tear blood* :( )
I am now more confident then ever to paint my bare and boring looking face. And for the 1st time ever, I know how to blend my eye make-up well. :)

But sadly, I am not that good yet and my "guru" is now abandoning me *tears again*. I still have no clue how to mix and match two different colours and not end up looking like a clown. And with the absence of my gorgeous "guru", all her make up collections are gone as well.

So, addicted I went online searching for make up blogs and you tube tutorials on how to apply make up and did some shopping too. :) I have limited stocks of make ups since I don't really know how to choose colours so I end up buying the same colours over and over again.

The parcel is not here yet though it's been a week (T_T) . I can't wait for the parcel to come! Will update more once I received the parcel.

1 comment:

aienhanifiah said...

Im not abandoning u! Just letting. Stand on ur own 2 feet lol