Lately, I never talk about my feelings anymore. Not like last time when I pour every single thing here.
Though life is not that great for me sometime, I tried not to hold onto that feeling. I learned to let go and move on. Learned to see things in a different angle. Most of the time it works wonder.
But sometime, it didn't. Just like today.
Before I reached home, my plan was to write down my feelings in my blog. I am so angry and sad at the same time. But, in between my plan and actually reaching home, I played with my sick kid at Mum's, brought her out for dinner, went home after dinner, realized that i left my home keys at mum's, went back to mum's place to get the keys, went back home again, played with my sick kid (again) at home, scolded her then soothes her then scolded her again and soothes her again, tug her to bed, and now, i am completely forgotten why am I so angry before.
Oh well, maybe next time.
For all I know, even life is not that great sometime, there will always be something else that we have that can make life feels great again. We just have to know where to find it.
This is where my heart and life belong....
You know im just a whatsapp msg away if you need someone to talk :)
Ok that was me, not Peiji. Die Suke sibok pakai my phone. n s
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