Friday, January 31, 2014

The Conventional Meet Up

I am in love with my phone, since iPhone made a debut in my life 4 years ago.

I'm gonna admit here, though it's tough that I am too, like you, attached with my phone.

Sometime I got carried away that I forgot to engage in the real conversation happening around me. Like talking to my husband on dinner table. hehehe.

So, the other day my dear husband went for an annual meet up with his friends and told me not to call or text him unless emergency. I was like... OK boss whatever makes you happy. I know that they always had this rule that whoever pick up the phone needs to pay the bill. Haha.

What they did this time was, putting all their phones at the centre of the table. Means no phone is allowed even for a quick peek at FB, instagram or even emails.

I think that is a good idea. A very good idea.

So my husband implement the rule on me each time we dine out together.

Guess who had to pay the bill? (T_T)

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